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Features - Component Designer

Configuration Object

In your IDE of choice, create a new .json-file.

The first thing we need to define, is the component identifier, a short description and an empty array of elements:

"key": "card-component",
"description": "A simple content card",
"elements": []


The elements-property is an array of objects, containing a name, a selector for the element, a type and an array of properties:

"name": "Image",
"selector": "img",
"type": "property",
"properties": []

name is the display-name the element will have in the visual editor.

selector is a querySelector to target a sub-node within the component, and can be any valid querySelector:

  • #id
  • tag
  • .class
  • [attribute]

The reserved value, self refers to the component-indetifier itself (the selector, containing data-pf)

type can be:

  • class (default, can be omitted)
  • property Sets a CSS Custom Property instead of toggling classes

properties is an array of objects:

"name": "Aspect Ratio",
"ui": "ui-dropdown",
"values": []

name is the value displayed for the control in the visual editor.

ui can be:

  • ui-buttongroup
  • ui-colorgroup
  • ui-dropdown
  • ui-fontlist
  • ui-icongroup
  • ui-iconlist
  • ui-iconlist-compact
  • ui-range (only if type is set to property)

values is an array of property-values:

"name": "1:1",
"value": "ar-square"

These will always consist of name and value. For some ui-controls, a third property, display is required. More on that in the UI-controls documentation.

Let's move on with our Card component-configuration, as we can now progress with the elements:

"key": "card-component",
"description": "A simple content card",
"elements": [
"name": "Main",
"selector": "content-inner",
"properties": [ ]
"name": "Image",
"selector": "img",
"properties": [ ]
"name": "Headline",
"selector": "h2",
"properties": [ ]