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Developers - CLI and Themes

Themes and CLI


To globally install the Perfection Command Line Interface, which is necessary for syncing, updating, and deleting Themes, utilize the provided NPM package.

>_ Terminal
npm install -g @perfectiondev/cli

When completed, maker sure the command line interface is installed properly by executing the following command. It should return the CLI version number installed.

>_ Terminal
perfection --version

Files structure

Before you start creatin your first theme, we recommend you to created a perfection directory at the root of your project. This folder will contains all the Themes and Components configuration files that will be synced with our CLI, see this example:

Project folder structure example
├── root
│ ├── perfection
│ │ ├── theme.json
│ │ ├── perfection.json
│ │ ├── components
│ │ │ ├── component-name.json
│ │ │ ├── hero-banner.json
│ │ │ ├── product-card.json
│ │ │ ├── ...

To grasp the purpose of each file type, begin by exploring the following pages:

CLI commands

This section describe all the CLI commands you can use to create, update, sync and delete themes and components with your account.

Config command

The config command allows you to change your CLI credentials in a locally stored configuration file. The configuration file scaffolded by this command can be used by other CLI commands to use its properties as a default for the command flags.

By default, this command will store the provided values in a perfection.json file stored in the command execution folder.

The contents of the file will only contain the values of the flags provided.

>_ Terminal
perfection config set --apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY --subscription=YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID --baseUrl=API_ENDPOINT

The config set command has the following options:

--apiKey=[value]YesPersonal API access key
--subscription=[value]YesSubscription ID
--baseUrl=[value]--API base url. Default value set to our production endpoint
--config=[value]--Relative path to the configuration file. Default value = 'perfection.json'

Read more here about perfection.json configuration file.

Create command

The create command allows you to create a new theme straight from the CLI. The syntax for this command is as follows

>_ Terminal
perfection app theme create -f <value> [options]

The app theme create command has the following options:

-f, --file=[value]YesFile path and name to be created
-k, --key=[value]--Theme key
-n, --name=[value]-Theme name
-d, --description=[value]--Theme description
--apiKey=[value]--Personal API access key
--subscription=[value]--Subscription ID
--baseUrl=[value]--API base url
--config=[value]--Relative path to the configuration file
--json--Format output as json

Read more here about theme.json configuration file.

Sync command

The sync command allows you to update an existing theme from the CLI.
The syntax for this command is as follows

>_ Terminal
perfection app theme sync -f <value> [options]

The app theme sync command has the following options:

-f, --file=[value]YesFile path and name to be created
--apiKey=[value]--Personal API access key
--subscription=[value]--Subscription ID
--baseUrl=[value]--API base url
--config=[value]--Relative path to the configuration file
--json--Format output as json

Read more here about theme.json configuration file.

If you want to only sync your components from the CLI.
The syntax for this command is as follows

>_ Terminal
perfection app components sync -f <value> [options]

The app components sync command has the following options:

-f, --file=[value]YesTheme file path to be synced with
--apiKey=[value]--Personal API access key
--baseUrl=[value]--API base url
--config=[value]--Relative path to the configuration file
--subscription=[value]--Subscription ID
--json--Format output as json

Read more here about component.json configuration files.

Delete command

The delete command allows you to delete an existing theme.
The syntax for this command is as follows

>_ Terminal
perfection app theme delete -k <value> [options]

The app theme create command has the following options:

-k, --key=[value]YesTheme key
--apiKey=[value]OptionalPersonal API access key
--subscription=[value]OptionalSubscription ID
--baseUrl=[value]OptionalAPI base url
--config=[value]OptionalRelative path to the configuration file
--jsonOptionalFormat output as json