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Developers - Oversite

Data-pf attributes

After having installed Oversite script into your application, you need to add the necessary data attributes to your HTML elements for Oversite to interpret.
There are three types of attributes that Oversite needs for different functionalities:

  1. Page
  2. Sections
  3. Components

Using data-pf attributes

The data-pf attribute stores a configuration for a given page, section or component. The value inside is a JSON string and it contains various properties described in the table below. Here is a generic example for a component.


Make sure the value of data-pf is a valid JSON object with double quotes.

data-pf example
<div data-pf='{"providerId": "my-content-provider", "componentKey": "card", "groupId": "001", "instanceId": "xFrt5f6", entryId": "abc1234"}'></div>

Available Properties

pageIdUnique identifier of a pageRequired if you want to use Global/Local options, make a page unique by its id.
titleFriendly Name in the EditorA user friendly title to differentiate components. Visible in outline tabs and the editor title
providerIdEnable Deep linksEnable deep links with a configured provider Id (Page, sections, components)
sectionIdEnable Section DesignerEnable Section Designer on a given section
componentKeyEnable Component DesignerEnable Component Designer and make link with configured component Id synced with CLI
groupIdEnable Component GroupingMake relationship between similar component, needed for individual styling vs group styling
instanceIdEnable Component GroupingRequired if you want to use Group/Component options, make a component unique by its id
OthersDeep links tokensOther values to be used in URL pattern for deep links activation (e.g EntryId, locale, contentType…)

Attribute types

1. Page

The page attribute is a single data-pf attribute on the <body> tag. The value for this attribute should be at least a unique identifier of the page you are rendering. It is a free text value allowing you to insert any kind of identifier, like the page slug, ID, or any other identifier that is best suited for your solution. This attribute is used to differentiate pages and content/styling stored in our platform.

<body data-pf='{"pageId": "unique-id", "providerId": "my-content-provider", "entryId": "abc1234"}'></body>

You can also have Deep Links enabled at page level by adding providerId and other properties requested by a provider.

2. Sections

Controlling the Layout of your page works based of Sections. Sections are parts of your page that contain one or more Components such as grids and carousels.
When using Sections, the immediate child elements of the element you tag should be one or more Components.

You configure a section by adding a JSON object containing a sectionId and a title in a data-pf attribute to the HTML element you want to assign as a Section.

<div data-pf='{"sectionId":"1", "title": "Hero Section"}'>
<!-- Insert Component(s) -->

You can also have Deep Links enabled at section level by adding providerId and other properties requested by a provider.

3. Components

Assigning the data-pf attribute to your components will allow you to deeplink into the CMS, highlighting of each individual component, and enabling component related Oversite features like commenting.

You configure a component by adding a JSON object to the data-pf attribute on the top element of your component's HTML. This JSON object should contain the following properties:

  • providerId - Refers to the ID of the Provider in Oversite which stores the content displayed.
  • componentKey - Refers to the ID of the Component set in theme.json.
  • title - A user friendly title to differentiate components with for the editor.
  • groupId - A field used to group stylings of components. Components that should always show in the same way, should have the same value. Components that have unique styling on your page, should have a unique value.
  • Others.. - You can add other properties to the object based on what you need. For example, if the Provider requires an entryId for deeplinking purposes, this is where you should specify the value for that property.

Take the following HTML snippet as an example:

<div data-pf='{"providerId": "my-content-provider", "componentKey": "hero", "title": "Campaign Hero", "groupId": "abc1234", "instanceId": "123456, "entryId": "abc1234"}'>
<h1>Hero Title</h1>
<p>Hero Description</p>

Integration Examples